Making a home looks stunning needs special talent, like being patient, dedication, and most importantly giving your heart to what you would like to turn into. Sometimes choosing the right colour and texture of a table or the best fabric for your sofa is not easy as every room has its own characteristic property needs consideration while decorating your home.

Elcin, grew up in a family who likes composing accents of traditional and modern home design and her mum taught her that the beauty of the goods is characterized by quality, distinctive design, highly skilled craftsmen and their hard work in details.

Once she became a teenager, she always wanted to be an interior designer as she always has a different eye in detail and was giving different ideas to people who asked her opinion to decorate their home. Even if she ended up with becoming an engineer, she initially was collecting handmade jewelleries and decorative goods as a form of hobby and it has since become an essential part of her lifestyle and been enabling her to detach from everyday distractions almost like a meditation. What was once a childhood has become a lifelong pursuit.

She is devoted collector who truly loves and values the pieces. Those pieces are carefully crafted by the workmanships which sometimes take their weeks to make them perfect. She builds an emotional connection with each piece that she creates.

The idea of sharing these peerless pieces and telling their stories to the people who truly loves the cultural heritage has become her joy of lifeā€¦