The word “Tesbih” (also called as Rosary, Tasbih or Misbaha) means prayer beads or rosary and originates from the word “Supha” which means to recite the glories of God.

The stringing of small pieces such as beads, bones, stones is as old as human history. The first people would line up pieces of the prey they were hunting into rope, and they would put it on them to bring success on the next hunt. Later, they used them as a jewellery in battles to protect them from enemies.

Prayer beads are found in most cultures and religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Baha’i Faith.

In all religion, prayer beads are used to count the number of prayers and keep the religious practitioner focused on the prayers. It serves to remind them of their devotion to religion while protecting them against harm and corruption of the soul at the same time.

Even today, there are those who believe that some stones cure some diseases, eliminate negative energy, relieve stress, and bring special good luck…